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Review on markets and platforms in related activities

K. Drivakou, T. Bachoumis, M. Troncia, F. Dominguez, A. Tzoumpas


Executive Summary
Power markets are being completely transformed by the massive entry of Renewable Energy Sources and the electrical grid is moving towards being more decentralized. As a result, the consumer role is evolving towards a more active one. The mission of OneNet is to create the conditions for a new generation of grid services able to fully exploit demand response, storage and distributed generation while creating fair, transparent and open conditions for the consumer. WP2 aims to define the products and services in support of OneNet by building on the information of previous EU pilot projects and European policy frameworks. In this context, this report is related to the Task 2.1 “Review of best practices in markets and platforms from initiatives, national and EU projects on TSO-DSO-consumer coordination” which aims to define the starting point for building the OneNet concepts. The report provides the outcome of the review performed as part of Task 2.1 of the OneNet project. In total 15 H2020 projects have been reviewed, which were selected based on criteria such as their call ID and topic, their maturity level, and the coordination scheme (TSO-DSO-consumer).[...]

Proyecto del IIT: OneNet (OneNet)

Entidad financiadora: European Commission. H2020 – LC-SC3-ES-5-2018-2020

Fecha de publicación: 31-03-2021


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